jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020


The truth is that I don't know if this summer I will go anywhere given the context of the pandemic that we are experiencing, and I hope that the possible "regrowth" that will come after the holidays is controlled.

Therefore, if so, it's most likely that I will go to Concón with my mother, since part of my family lives there. I love going to this place, I have very good memories since I was little when my whole family got together to spend the summer there, I think they have been the best summers I can remember. Also, it relaxes my mind and clears me out of the city. In addition, I am happy to be able to be with my family that lives there, especially to share with my cousins, who are like my brothers.

The main activity would be to go to the beach and the dunes, among other places that are somehow in safe conditions. I also hope to see my friends, obviously with all the necessary precautions and care, but the main thing is to share with them in any way.

Since I'm not sure what the conditions will be like, I don't know if I could really go anywhere, so I don't think I'm going to work or study. I just hope I can spend more time with my family and rest from this exhausting year. Hopefully the cure for this disease comes as soon as possible.


The truth is that I don't know if this summer I will go anywhere given the context of the pandemic that we are experiencing, and I hope ...