miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020


My best vacation was last year, when I went with my mom to Rapa Nui. My mom was the most enthusiastic, in fact we went because she always wanted to visit the island and we took the opportunity that it was low season to go.

We went five days, and we thought it was enough to tour the island from end to end, but after all the days were few to do everything, also, they passed very quickly. For example, the first day we visit the center of the island, the crafts, the trade, the places to eat where we tried the tuna empanada that was delicious. On the second day we went to a volcano that contains many Moai, we also went where their ancient civilizations and homes were that are now destroyed. Then, the third day we visited a volcanic crater and then we went to a caves. The fourth we went to the beach for the day, it really was my favorite place, it was beautiful with the water a little warmer and with a path of Moai and palm trees. And finally on the fifth day we walked along the coast before we left.

It really was my best vacation because it was a very mystical place, with energies and beautiful, rustic places, the people were very friendly and each day had a different charm. Finally, the culture was very interesting, also there is almost no internet, so with my mother we were able to disconnect from everything.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020


To begin with, I would like to visit Greece, since I was little I have liked the Greek culture, their structures and how this has evolved. I also consider that their philosophical, scientific, mathematical, architectural and artistic works were the legacy to build the culture of much of the world, which has been transcendental to this day.

Also, I am very interested in Greek mythology, composed of various gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, among others. If I ever go to Greece, I would like to see their capital Athens, know their temples, the architectural monuments, the Acropolis, and many other places of great importance, in addition to take a lot of photos. I would also like to visit Santorini, one of the most famous islands of Greece for their beautiful sunsets and their architecture of cubic houses. But I would like to go only to know and for culture, I wouldn't go to study, or work, or live there, even though it's a beautiful country. I hope I can go one day.


The truth is that I don't know if this summer I will go anywhere given the context of the pandemic that we are experiencing, and I hope ...